Sunday 20 January 2013

Drink for healthy skin


For a healthy and glowing skin, one has to get rid off toxins cleared from the inner body. 

Drink amla or gooseberry juice daily.
Amla can also be consumed directly but for most of the people would not like the taste of raw amla.

->Take two amla (lemon-sized) and cut it into small pieces on removing the seeds and put it in a mixer and make it paste.
->Take two spoons of paste and mix it with a glass of water and consume it regularly.
->You can also store the paste in a refrigerator for even four days .

->Amla juice is a rich source of Vitamin C and contains 80% water, protein, minerals, fiber as well as  carbohydrates.
->It decreases the levels of free radicals in our body and thus exhibits good anti-aging properties.
->It gives a very clean, soft and glowing skin
->In addition, amla improves overall immune system to fight against diseases.
->It It adds lusture to your hair and makes them grow long and strong.

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